Did you know?
The average person walks the equivalent of five times around the world throughout their lifetime.
The biggest problem with communication is: We don’t listen to understand, we listen to reply.
Featured Posts
- The great Aga Khan passes away-Chitral mourns
- Overseas Pakistanis initiate ‘Beggar free Pakistan movement’
- Peace over Progress: The world needs to be clear in its priorities
- Prayer leaders should translate the meaning of prayer Suras before the actual prayers
- An Advice to Imran Khan
- In the name of God, Go!
- Radical but practicable solution to Pakistan’s problem
- The mis-happenings of Pakistan
- The ‘Arshad Nadeem phenomenon’ in Pakistan
- یوم پاکستان کے موقع پر مختصر تاریخ پاکستان
- How ‘Peeri Mureedi’ institution utilised well can prove a blessing
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- Survey on ‘extent and nature of religiosity’ needed in Pakistan
- Tough time reveals character of our society
- Killing in the name of religion, grotesque crime against humanity
- Grand Ayatollah Seestani issues fatwa against hunting
- New fraud in sacrificial animal market
- Nothing is pure in the ‘land of the pure’
- Pakistani people would be better off if country declared bankrupt
- How much Islam is there in Islamic countries
- Is the IMF a friend or foe of Pakistan?
- Ramzan: Ritualist observance at peak, Moral conduct low as ever
- Pakistanis start admiring Afghan leadership
- A paradigm shift seen in the National Assembly
- Case renewed for adopting Arabic as National language
- Pakistan has immense potential to improve it’s condition
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- Elections 2024; Chitral in particular
- Happy Birthday to Quaid-e-Azam Muhmmad Ali Jinnah!
- Contesting polls in multiple constituencies; A ludicrous practice
- Telling lies: The mother of all evils
- The miscarriage of politics in Pakistan: A nation’s descent into dysfunction
- The Importance of ‘Huqooq ul Ibaad’ in Islam
- “چوری میرا پیشہ ہے اور نماز میرا فرض”
- Pragmatism versus Principles in Politics
- Nawaz Sharif’s planned return to Pakistan-Appeal to him
- Why not use ‘Artificial Intelligence’ to resolve international conflicts?
- Muslims being fed ‘easy shortcuts’ to heaven!
- A new medal needs to be introduced in Pakistan.
- Who are the real enemies of Pakistan?
- A good precedence by CJ; taking oath along with spouse
- The two devils of Pakistan
- Saving own resources more important than foreign investment
- Have political parties done good or bad to Pakistan?
- Probe into downfall of Pakistan’s economy direly needed.
- Lessons from the Battagram incident
- Cases of dacoities, way laying in cities on the increase; army assistance needed
- Best way to celebrate 14 August
- Senator Mushtaq for PM; best option for Pakistan