Ramazan: How to make the best of this holy month

CHITRAL: The holy month of Ramazan is knocking at our door again. A reminder that discipline and order is the prime requisite of life. Halting to eat and drink binding on one and all (except those exempted) at the call of the dawn Azan (call to prayers) and then continue to refrain till the Azan at dusk, is the ultimate exercise in discipline and restraint.

The month of Ramazan is observed with religious tenacity and subservience by most Muslims world over. The part of Ramazan which is refraining from answering the call of appetite is the one aspect of Ramazan which is observed with religious tenacity and restrain. No easy task but it is done meticulously.

Besides abstaining from food and water, Ramazan also expects Muslims to restructure their lives as per the wishes of Allah. Muslims mostly, unfortunately poorly fail this part. Spiritual cleansing is hardly visible in the fast observing (save noble exceptions).

Fasting is taken as a mere obligatory ritual and nothing beyond. The day to day affairs (muamilaat) of fast observers do not improve a bit, as they should. In many cases especially in Pakistan, food items are pre-hoarded and prices hiked to cash on the increased demand. Those who are engaged in obtaining sinful income (Rizq e Haraam) are not moved by Ramazan. Telling lies, hypocrisy, cheating, injustice, financial corruption continues along with refrain from eating as if Ramazan doesn’t address that.

The true spirit of Ramazan can be imbibed in the fast observers; and the religious preachers and prayer leaders are the best people to do the needful. So this Ramazan every prayer goer must ask their prayer leaders in Mosques and Jamaat Khanas to stress upon the real spirit vis a vis social obligations of a person during Ramazan particularly, and to continue even after the month is over. .. CN report, 24 Feb 2025

4 thoughts on “Ramazan: How to make the best of this holy month

    1. The Holy Quran mentions in Surah Al-Baqarah, verses 184-185, that those who are ill, or travelling or women having periods or breast feeding are exempted from fasting in Ramazan which they can cover up later or pay ‘Fidya” i.e feed one person per missed fast. Old age which makes fasting difficult due to any good reason also falls in this exemption category.

  1. Pertinent and timely but I doubt anyone or anything will change starting with moon sighting controversy fueled by ruet e hilal , to price hike , shirking work to the final Eid moon sighting followed by a minimum 7 holidays, the spirit of Ramzan is no longer alive in the Islamic Republic.

  2. “La ikraha fi deen”—(“There is no compulsion in religion”)- Surah Al-Baqarah, verse 256. Unfortunately our government and society defy this Quranic injunction under the fear of clerics who love to make religion difficult. Restaurants and eateries are forcibly closed during daytime even on the long travelling routes not withstanding that travellers, including children, women, old and sick people who are exempted from observing fast are put in undue discomfort against the teachings of Islam.

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