How ‘Peeri Mureedi’ institution utilised well can prove a blessing

CHITRAL: In Pakistan the practice of Peeri, Mureedi (sufism) holds a significant place in the overall cultural spectrum of the land. There are thousands of Pirs spread across the country and hundreds of shrines big and small which are held near to the heart by their followers. Historically, almost all heads of State or government in Pakistan from Ayub Khan to Imran Khan, have had some form of affiliation with one Pir or the other.

The institution of Pir is highly revered by it’s followers who unquestionably obey what their Pir says. Despite having this God gifted power to influence people, unfortunately the Pirs of Pakistan mostly restrict themselves to practicing rituals and wazeefas, blessing people and writing taweez etc. They do not touch upon the all important aspect of conduct in daily life affairs by their followers. The disciples have blind faith in what the Pir says and display unquestioned obedience to their spiritual guide. Keeping in mind this immense power of the Pirs over the minds of their followers, if they (Pirs) start teaching their followers the goodness and ethics in daily life, society can immensely change for the better in Pakistan.

Today, a gleaming example of what good a spiritual leader can do for his followers is the life of His Highness Prince Karim Aga Khan, spiritual leader of the Ismaili Muslims. About four decades ago, in Gilgit and Chitral where the Ismaili community reside in good numbers, the position of the the Ismaili community was that of a backbencher in most affairs, but the vision of the Aga Khan in prioritising education put into practice then, has borne fruit and the Ismaili community is reaping it’s harvest. Today we can see champions in entrepreneurship, education, politics, social work, etc from the community. Those benefiting from the ‘Education revolution’ of the Aga Khan vision are well established around the globe from Australia to US, Canada and from Europe to Africa. This is all because of the pristine vision of the Aga Khan to focus on education – the mother of all progress.

It is requested from H.H The Aga Khan now to focus on improving the moral fabric of the society; to issue ‘farmaan’ regarding the importance of leading a life of principles, honesty and trustworthiness as per the character trait and greatest Sunnat of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) of being Sadiq and Ameen (Honest and Trust Worthy).

The thousands of Pirs of Pakistan of various sects and sub sects would also do well to revisit their priorities and lay stress on the worthy conduct of everyday practical life rather than restricting themselves to rituals only. .. CN report, 26 Jul 2014

3 thoughts on “How ‘Peeri Mureedi’ institution utilised well can prove a blessing

  1. Another very important point raised here. Pirs having great influence on their murids can play a very important role in reforming society. Unfortunately, we are losing basic values such as honesty and integrity as you have pointed out. Among many other possible remedies, our education system needs an overhaul not only to produce good entrepreneurs, professionals such as doctors, engineers but also good human beings free of prejudices and hatred.

  2. Surprising how all presidents and prime ministers turn out to be superstitious, where they should be practical and aspiritual.

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