The mis-happenings of Pakistan

CHITRAL: Pakistan today has become a show case of mismanagement and mis-happenings. A case in point is the recent political demonstration in Islamabad. The government had given permission to a certain political party to stage a public meeting in the suburb of Islamabad. However despite having given permission, it blocked all the roads to the venue with hundreds of containers. The logic behind this dichotomy is understandable. Doing one thing and at the same time negating the very thing also called approbation and re-probation, can only happen in Pakistan.

The hundreds of containers used for blocking roads did not come free. Hundreds of million of rupees must have been paid to the owners of the containers for holding them up for at least three days. How much has this cost the weeping exchequer. To counter these containers, dozens of cranes and fork lifters wer brought in from the other other side. That too a sheer waste of money. Can not all such money be used for benefit of the people?.

In earlier Pakistan whenever there was a public protest any where, it would be taken seriously. A president (Ayub Khan) resigned because students protested against a meager rise in sugar price and called him kuta (dog) in a protest speech. These days, those in power become so much stubborn and thick skinned that they mock at protests against them and try to quell the protest by brute force instead of listening to the protesters.

Pakistan has changed for the worse and moving further in that direction on a fast track. Draconic changes have to be brought in the country to arrest the downfall of governance and decay of moral fiber of the population whether rulers or the ruled. Politics definitely is not the answer. .. CN report, 09 Sep 2024

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