Initiators and Perpetrators of IPPs, big criminals of Pakistan

CHITRAL: It has come to light now, thanks to the potent social media, that what we pay to the IPPs (independent Power Producers) is more than what we pay for debt servicing and what we spend on education, health and development, put together.

Who first got the filthy idea of contracting IPP dependent electricity when our rivers flowing uselessly into the sea crying to be harnessed for power production?. Who perpetrated this idea and encouraged the IPPS to fleece the economy.Who tolerated the IPPs and allowed them to flourish even after them being exposed as the biggest thieves of our economy.

Every one knows who have been the culprits. Those who don’t know details can google the same. The fact is that every government starting from the early eighties to the current government have been involved in this crime, some more aggressively than the others, but no one is exempt.

The current protest led by the the Jamat Islami Amir Hafiz Naeem ur Rehman appears to be a genuine one targeting the specific and real issue instead of beating about the bush as generally practiced by other parties.

It is imperative that the real culprits of the economy who are and have been behind the IPP pillage be exposed and punished punitively, no matter who they are. Otherwise the act of defiling the economy of Pakistan will continue with increased impunity. .. CN report, 30 Jul 2024

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