Taliban and an option for Afghan dispute

The occupation of Afghan throne by Sardar Daud and the ouster of Zahir Shah of Afghanistan had occurred in the middle of 70s but Daud was brutally eliminated within a few years by a pro communist clique headed by Noor Muhammad Taraki and Hafizulla Amin but their hold proved short lived and Mosco wanted to replace them by Babrak Karmal and then by Dr. Najeeb who controlled Afghanistan for a couple of years despite heavy bombardment by Russian gunship helicopters while USA had meanwhile entered the arena enjoying support of Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. Ours was a military dictator but Brezhneve was not a man to see into the long future of the political tug of war and the aftermath thereof as he was already stupefied but the US secret Agents had become over active to defeat the Russians. The strategy adopted by them was an ill conceived one so received a crushing blow but the US did not recall the causes of the defeat in Vietnam and Korea. They did not regard Taliban a trained force to carry on a prolonged war fare but they did . The NATO alliance was misled by the CIA and dragged into a war that least concerned them.

The current situation is that the north of the country is occupied by Taliban with a good many provinces in the mid and south of the country and kept by a network that is till undetected by NATO. There is no military solution to this prolonged battle except that US and her allies withdraw and vacate the Afghan land as early as possible but this is not acceptable to the US though all other allies insist on this point. The Taliban are getting trained day by day in fighting tactics, ambushing, use of sophisticated weapons and in a nut shell, get stronger day by day. This war is not ending on acceptable grounds and half of the new Afghan generation has been rendered cripples and this passion for revenge is getting higher and higher. There is now one solution to my mind that;

Afghanistan be divided into two states. One to be under Taliban where they shall introduce their ideal system and run their part of the country and the other half be under the pro Ashraf Ghani clique who will have their own constitution and for another 50 years this set up should work under UN sanctions and if conditions improve to a satisfactory level the merger of the two could be reconsidered or vice versa. The US intention to stay in Afghanistan is a misconception and will never be accepted either to the Pathans, Tajiks, Uzbeks, Hazaras or ethnic Turks, let other smaller groups who have always been against US designs. .. Prof. Rahmat Karim Baig, Chitral 16 Sep 2018

2 thoughts on “Taliban and an option for Afghan dispute

  1. The dragging protracted and proxy-fought war that Afghanistan has endured for four decades has brought sustained misery to its population, but to suggest that the country to be divided into mini states on racial, ethnic and ideological grounds is a naive and dangerous idea. Afghanistan’s unity and territorial integrity, peace and prosperity is the only assurance for the long term stability of the entire region surrounding it. Following the two World Wars, when the new international order emerged, Afghanistan is one of the first, possibly the first predominantly Muslim majority country to become member of the League of Nations and then its successor the United Nations Organizations. Thus, Afghanistan has long been member of the world bodies and has been supportive of their efforts to create a sustainable world order within the comity of nations. Afghanistan’s future and the future of its neighboring countries having common borders or within the wider region of inner Asia lies in its unity.

  2. Are there Muslims to be found in Afghanistan or anywhere else? Not many. The proof is that there are not many Muslims in Afghanistan or anywhere else. Muslims obey the Almighty (Allah in Arabic) only thus do not follow anyone. Muslims are those who have very pleasing and heart-warming habits that whosoever comes across a Muslim is influenced to become a Muslim.
    The Almighty commanded Muslims to organise their Peoples’ Union i.e., Jumeeyah in every nook and corner of their country. How many of Peoples’ Jumeeyah do we see anywhere in Afghanistan or anywhere in else in the world today? Not many. This is a vivid proof that Muslims are scarce. Absence of Peoples’ Jumeeyah in every locality, every Qusbah is proof of absence of those who obey the Almighty. People who do not obey the Almighty are NOT Muslims. Full stop. The responsibility to make or break a country rests squarely on the shoulders of people at large. Why? The Almighty warned ” No soul shall carry the burden of another soul on Yaumulqiyamuh”. True? So the burden to create the foundation of an Islamic State is that of every Muslim. The Almighty commanded every Muslim to come together join hands with each other and work together to create the foundation of an Islamic state i.e. their Jumeeyah.
    People want leadership? What leadership? Do people need to be told to speak truth by a leader at all the times? Do people need to be told to be honest all the time? Do people need to be told to practice Udl wul Ehsaan by a leader?
    The leadership is there. It has been there since the last 1400 years and even before that time. The problem is that the followers are scarce. The problem is that Muslims are scarce among the millions claiming to be Muslims. The fakery to claim to be Jew, Christian, Muslim or anything else without being one, is a universal malady. Just too many people in the world claim to be what they are not. Thus, we see just too many people claiming to be Muslims without proving it by their deeds. When people at large shall become Muslims and thus organise themselves to be able to eradicate all vices themselves through their unity i.e., Jumeeyah, they will see things changing for them, absolutely certainly. The ball is in peoples’ court. When they will organise themselves and work for their own common good together, they will see the result that will be “good nothing but good”. Blaming others and not searching their own soul is the biggest problem with the people. Correct this sinner where he goes wrong.

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